Hanging Instructions
Non-Woven wallpaper is much easier to work with than paper wallpaper. One of it's many benefits!
Below are hanging instructions.This information has been supplied in good faith only as we cannot guarantee site conditions and correct hanging. We do recommend you hire a professional hanger.
For US Customers: National Guild of Professional Paperhangers, Inc.
PREPARE THE WALLS:- After preparing the walls line them with the appropriate grade of lining paper.
- If high levels of alkaline are present in the walls this may affect foil papers. If in doubt prepare the walls with an alkaline resistant primer.
- We recommend using a traditional style, starch based, ready mixed tub paste for all wallcoverings.
- PVA or PVC type adhesives are not suitable for our wallpaper as they may cause surface staining or adhesion problems.
- Avoid squeezing paste out of the joints. Paste should not come into contact with the printed side of the paper.
- Use a felt roller for smoothing.
- Only cut and hang 1 length at a time.
- Check which way up the design is before hanging.
- Do not crease the paper when folding lengths.
- Trim tops and bottoms of lengths with paperhangers shears or a sharp knife and a straight edge.
- Joints should be tightly butted and never overlap.
- Dark coloured wallpaper may need the edges coloured with a slightly lighter shade of chalk or pastel to prevent white edges showing.
- It is the responsibility of the decorator to check that this wallpaper is correct.
- Some wallpapers may be damaged by moisture on the surface.
- Check all wallpapers within 10 days of delivery and contact your supplier immediately or after 2 lengths have been hung if there is a problem. We cannot accept responsibility for wallpaper hung after 2 lengths.